Our Property Turnover Procedures consist of 3 equally important components.
We perform a comprehensive 64 Point Pre-Leasing Inspection prior to marketing your home. This inspection is designed to be more thorough and create a trackable action plan to get any necessary work completed. This process helps ensure that a new tenant move in goes smoothly with less surprises.
We don’t simply tick boxes on a list. Using our inspection software complete with unlimited photos or video, our team performs an in-depth Move-In Inspection with the new tenant.
Upon the tenant’s move out, our team performs an in-depth inspection using our inspection software complete with unlimited photos or video. This is typically done with the new tenant and is used to compare the condition of the property to its move in condition. In the unlikely event that any significant damage is done to the property requiring a significant claim on the security deposit, the property condition is videotaped to more thoroughly document any damages.
Enter your rental property address below to get your free rental analysis.
We guarantee that we can find a quality tenant for your home in 21 days, or the first 2 months of management fees are FREE!